PowerLife News

8th Grade Fall Retreat!

Q: When is the retreat?
A: Sat., Oct. 19 (8:00 am – 6:15 pm) 

Q: Who’s going?
A: All WDM 8th-grade PowerLife students are encouraged to attend!  

Q: Will leaders be going?
A: Yes, all our leaders are invited to attend (and can ride the buses, too!)

Q: Do I need to register?
A: NO, all students who registered for PowerLife are already signed up!

Q: Where is the retreat?
A: Mountain Throwers
(1799 260th Street in Winterset, IA)

Q: How will we get to camp?
A: Buses will be leaving from the Hope WDM circle drive on Saturday morning.

Q: When should we arrive?
A: Students need to arrive at Hope WDM by 8:00 am!

Q: Do students check in?
A: No, students can simply find their group in The Bridge (at the tables). 

Q: Can parents come along?
A: You bet! Any parents who would like to join us are welcome!

Q: What is the purpose?
A: Students will focus on writing their Faith Statements while developing a stronger relationship with God and doing fun activities with the students in their group all around the camp. 

Q: What’s the day look like?
A: Students will have breakfast at Hope and get a preview of their schedule for the day. During our time together at camp, students will be led on a hike through the woods, enjoy fishing, kite making, archery, or climbing tree stands all with the help of trained volunteers. All equipment (bows, fishing poles, harnesses, etc.) will be provided. Each activity is designed to help students learn the gospel message with a hands-on experience. Students will have lunch and be given time to work on their faith statement booklets. We will also have an afternoon snack before returning to Hope for worship!

Q: What about food allergies?
A: Please let us know if your student has an allergy need! We are happy to help make accommodations as needed. Also, we’ll have a medic joining us on the retreat to help anyone who might bring along medication or to assist with any medical needs that might come up while at camp.

Q: Do we bring anything?
A: Yes, their Bible and appropriate clothing (and shoes) for being outdoors!

Q: When will students return?
A: Buses return to Hope WDM just in time for the Saturday 5:00 pm service. We will all sit together in the Worship Center. Students will be dismissed after the service at 6:15 pm.

Q: What if our family has a conflict?
A: We know students have multiple (and important) commitments outside of PowerLife. So please pray about your decision! Ultimately, we will support whatever your family decides.

Q: Can families drop off or pick up?
A: Please email Justin Stoffa to see what arrangements might be possible for your family.

Q: What if we’re unable to attend?
A: Please let us know if your student is unable to attend! We are planning on your student attending this retreat unless we hear otherwise.

PowerLife – Wednesday, Sept. 18.

THIS WEEK: We’re back for another Wednesday night of PowerLife! As always, students are welcome to bring their friends for a fun night of faith-filled Bible discussion and prayer!   

CHECK IN: Students should print their name tags at the computers each week when they arrive! Name tags will have all the details they need. Volunteers will be nearby to help! Students can be dropped off at the doors or you can walk in with them, whatever works best for your family. 

WHERE TO START: Students will look for what group they are in (listed on their name tag) and then find their assigned seats in the Worship Center! Leaders will be there to help! 

DINNER: Each week we serve a freewill offering meal in The Bridge from 4:45-6:00 pm. All are welcome! 

BIBLES: Students should bring their Bible every week! If you register as a new student, you will get a new Bible on your first night! If you are a returning student who lost your Bible, we have a (free) replacement Bible available at the New to Hope table. Just stop by! 

SUPPLIES: If you weren’t here last week, or forgot to grab what you needed, we will have all the supplies available at the New to Hope area. Just stop by, and our team will help! 

NO PHONES: Students and leaders are encouraged to leave their phones at home (or keep them in their pockets!) This helps reduce distractions as much as possible. 

WEEKEND WORSHIP JOURNAL: Each student should have received a weekend worship journal on the first night of PowerLife! If they still need one, please stop by the New to Hope area! Also, please remind your students to take notes during worship on the weekend (or while watching online). As parents, this is a great way for you to share your experience after weekend worship and ask your student what they experienced too.

QUESTIONS: If you have any other questions email Justin Stoffa

PowerLife starts THIS WEEK on Wednesday, Sept. 11.

REMINDER: PowerLife starts THIS WEEK on Wednesday, Sept. 11!

IMPORTANT: Please plan to attend the first night of PowerLife as a family! 

PARENT NIGHT: Parents are highly encouraged to attend as we have a new format this year, with new start times, new supplies, refreshed curriculum, new retreat dates, and lots of important details we really want you to hear, see, and experience all in person!   

Q: What time does PowerLife start and end?
A: Depends on what grade you are in!

+ 6th & 7th Grade (6:00-7:15 pm)
+ 8th Grade (6:45-8:00 pm)

NOTE: Please plan to arrive 5 minutes early! 

Q: Are you serving dinner? 
Yes! We serve a freewill offering meal each Wednesday from 4:45–6:00 pm! This week we’re serving pasta, breadsticks, and salad!

Q: Is childcare available? 
Yes! We have HopeKids Wednesday (for students K-5) and the Nursery is open for younger children.

Q: Do PowerLife students need to check in? 
Yes! Please have students check in and print their name tags when you arrive! This will have all the details they need for the night. Volunteers will be nearby to help if needed! 

Q: Where do we go after checking in? 
We will ALL gather in the Worship Center to begin. Families can sit together anywhere you’d like! Next week (Sept. 18) we will have assigned sections and rows for each student and their group.

Q: What happens in the Worship Center? 
New this year, our 6th & 7th grade students will have large group time together! This will allow for an earlier start/end time for everyone, while also providing exciting new opportunities for all of Student Ministry! NOTE: Students will still be placed in small groups based on their grade level, gender, school district, and friend request! 

Q: How do I know which group my student is in? 
 All returning students (grades 7 & 8) will remain in the same group as last year unless you requested a change for this year!

Q: What if my student is NEW this year? 
 First off, welcome to PowerLife! We are so excited for your student to begin this journey toward confirmation! New students will receive their Bibles, covers, pens, and materials on our first night together! 

Q: When do NEW students meet their new group? 
 The 6th grade groups will not be meeting on the first night. Our team is busy putting together the rosters based on the friend requests and school districts listed on your registration. With hundreds of students, and lots of walk-ins on the first night, there are a lot of details to get right! New 6th grade students will meet their leaders and the other students in their group the following week (Sept. 18). There’s always room to make an adjustment, so please let us know if you need to make a change!

NOTE: We will place NEW 7th & 8th grade students into a group based on your friend request or school district! You will meet your group this week on Sept. 11!

Q: Is there a parent meeting this week? 
Yes! For 6th grade students, all parents (and students) will start in the Worship Center and then go straight into The Bridge to hear important details about supplies, retreats, service projects, and more! Then, students can pick up their new Bibles before heading home! 7th grade parents are encouraged to join their students in the Worship Center and then are welcome to drop by their classroom for small group discussions. 8th grade parents will join students in the Worship Center and then afterward will gather in The Bridge for a special parent meeting to discuss the details of confirmation and faith statements while their students meet with their groups in the classrooms!

Q: Do you still need volunteers?
Yes! There is still plenty of time to sign up, and we would really love to have you join us as a volunteer! Please consider becoming a leader this year! The more leaders we have in each group, the more we can break into smaller groups and have better discussions. Or please consider joining our Peace Force team to help monitor the hallways, bathrooms, and classroom spaces. It’s a great way to jump in on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly basis! 

Take a moment and learn more about volunteering!

We’re excited for the school year ahead, and trusting God to lead the way! If you have any questions, please email Justin Stoffa.

Registration is Open!

REMINDER: PowerLife officially begins on Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2024!

+ Grades 6 & 7 (6:00-7:15 pm)
+ Grade 8 (6:45-8:00 pm)

PARENTS: Students and their parents are invited to join us for our first night of PowerLife on Sept. 11 as (parents, students and leaders) gather in the Worship Center!

REGISTER: If you have not registered yet, there is still time to register online. Or plan to arrive a few minutes early on Sept. 11 and we’ll get you all set up! All students are placed into small groups based on their grade level, gender, school district, and friend requests!

CHECK-IN: Students should check in at the computers when they arrive. A name tag will be printed for each student to wear, and everyone will start in the Worship Center!

SIXTH GRADE: We are still forming groups and looking for more volunteers! If you’d like to volunteer, please fill out the PowerLife Volunteer Form. The first week, sixth grade students will only have large group time and then will be focused on picking up supplies. Sixth grade students will meet with their small groups on Wednesday, Sept. 18.

SMALL GROUPS: Students in grades 7 & 8 will have small group discussions after our time in the Worship Center on Sept. 11! Breakout rooms will be listed on your name tags when you check in! NEW STUDENTS: We’re so glad you’re joining us this year! You will have a breakout room listed on your name tag. You will be placed in a group based on your friend request or by the school you listed on your registration. Please stop by the New to Hope area before small group to get your new Bible!

SUPPLIES: Supplies will be handed out on Sept. 11. If you are unable to attend, please email Emma Graen to coordinate your supply pick-up time!

SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER: Please consider becoming a leader this year! The more leaders we have, the smaller our breakout groups can be, which leads to even better discussions. Also, we need additional Peace Force volunteers to help monitor the hallways and Worship Center. Here’s how to sign up to volunteer!

QUESTIONS: If you have any other questions, email Justin Stoffa!

PowerLife Events in June!

Summer is right around the corner, and we have lots of exciting opportunities for students to stay connected in their faith! 

REMINDER: All students who will be entering grades 6-12 next fall, are invited to join us on Wednesday, June 5 from 7:00-9:00 pm for a party in the Hope West Des Moines parking lot with FREE food, fun games, music, and lots of prizes! 

The event is FREE to attend! However, to help our team prepare enough food, please take a moment to register for the Summer Bash

Students are highly encouraged to bring their friends, so please be sure to share this invite with their family!  

We will also have food trucks selling treats for purchase.

  • Mahalo’s – Mini Donuts!
  • Totally Rolled – Ice Cream Truck!
  • Kona Ice – Slushies!


Students are also invited to join us for PowerLife – Summer Hangouts in June!

  • Wednesday, June 12 (10:00 – 11:30 am)
  • Wednesday, June 19 (10:00 – 11:30 am)
  • Wednesday, June 26 (10:00 – 11:30 am)

All PowerLife students (incoming grades 6-8) are invited to hang out here at Hope West Des Moines for some fun and faith-filled mornings to start the summer! We’ll gather up, serve some snacks, read a devotional, open the Gym and Creative Arts room, and then finish our time teaching students how to study the Bible on their own or with a friend!

Join us for all three weeks in June (or as many as you can!) Bring a friend, all are welcome!

Again, to help our team plan for food and supplies, please register for the PowerLife Summer Hangouts in advance!

If you have any questions, please email Justin Stoffa!  

Important Details: Faith Statement Night & Confirmation Sunday

Faith Statement Night is Wednesday, May 1 and Confirmation Sunday is Sunday, May 5

To review which service your student has been assigned to please see the schedule!

Here’s a quick overview of what to expect on Faith Statement Night:  

Please make sure your student knows which time you have been assigned to (6:00 or 7:30 pm). Also, please plan to arrive 10 minutes early! Family and friends are highly encouraged to attend!

  • Everyone will start in the Worship Center (no assigned seats!)
  • Welcome & Worship
  • Prayer & Bible Reading
  • Overview & Logistics
  • Go to Breakout Rooms
  • Each student will read their Faith Statement aloud.
  • Closing Prayer (families circle around and lay hands on their students)
  • Dismissal
    • 6:00 pm groups, please reset the room for the group arriving after you. 
  • EVERY STUDENT NEEDS TO HAVE THEIR OFFICIAL CONFIRMATION PHOTO TAKEN BEFORE YOU LEAVE! (stop by the photo backdrop near Café Hope to see the photographer!)

Wondering what to wear? Remember, Jesus is all about faith, not fashion! With that in mind, please encourage students to wear something appropriate. They should feel comfortable and confident in front of others. Also, pictures will be taken so plan accordingly!

Here’s a quick overview of Confirmation Sunday:

Please make sure your student knows which service their group has been assigned to.
(8:00, 9:30, or 11:00 am.) Also, please plan to arrive 15 minutes early!

We will have seats reserved for students and leaders to sit together in the front sections of the Worship Center! Families and friends are welcome to sit anywhere they would like, just not in the reserved sections.

  • Worship & Hope 360
  • Welcome & Bible Reading
  • Rite of Confirmation (students stand at their assigned seats)
  • Special Video (leaders will get into place at the lectern)
  • Recognition of Confirmands (students on stage)
  • Sermon
  • Lord’s Prayer & Communion
  • Dismissal

Immediately following the service, we will have a reception for families! Breakfast and donut holes (8:00 & 9:30 am) or cake, coffee & lemonade (11:00 am) will be available in The Bridge. There is no limit to how many guests a student can bring. All are welcome to join and celebrate!

Also, groups are welcome to take pictures in the Worship Center afterward! Feel free to stick around and celebrate! However, please be mindful of the quick turnaround time for those entering after you!

We hope this helps! If you have any questions, please email Justin Stoffa!     

Faith Statements Due April 10!

REMINDER: Grade 8 PowerLife Families!

All Faith Statements are due on or before Wednesday, April 10!

Once written, students should upload their Faith Statement to complete the process. 

As part of confirmation, each student will be given the opportunity to write (and then read) their very own faith statement during PowerLife. Many students have questions about what they’re supposed to write, and who will hear (or read) what they say. 

So, to help everyone prepare for the celebration ahead, we wanted to share a few important details! 

Q: When is Faith Statement Night?
A: Students will read their faith statements on Wednesday, May 1 and celebrate confirmation on Sunday, May 5. Due to our large confirmation class, we have split students into multiple services. Each student only needs to attend the service their group is assigned. If you don’t know which group your student is in, ask them! If they don’t know, please reach out and we can help.

Q: Who is invited to attend?
A: Family and friends of all ages are welcome to join us! 

Q: Why do students have to write faith statements in the first place? 
A: There is nothing in the Bible that specifically says an 8th grader must write a faith statement. Trust me, we’ve looked! However, there is Scripture (Romans 10:9-10) that encourages all believers to declare their faith in Jesus openly. So, as a church, we believe confirmation is a great opportunity for students to openly declare their faith! We have discovered year after year that having students share their faith is a blessing to them, and to all those who hear their story!

Q: Do students just take a blank sheet of paper and start writing? 
A: They can if they want to, but we also provide each student with a workbook to help. The booklet includes Scripture verses to read, and thoughtful questions to help them begin putting their faith journey into words.  

Q: Where can I find this booklet? 
A: Each student should have already received a printed copy of the booklet. If you need another copy, you can drop by the church to pick up a printed copy in the front office! 

Q: Do you have any examples of what students have written in the past? 
A: Yes. We’ve put together a collection of actual faith statements from former PowerLife students. This might be helpful for your family to read through together so students can get a better sense of what their faith statement might look and sound like. If you’d like to see these sample faith statements, please email Justin Stoffa to request a copy.

Q: What if a student doesn’t want to write a faith statement? Can they still be confirmed? 
A: There are many reasons a student might not feel comfortable writing or sharing their faith statement. If the reason is simply due to being nervous, or feeling anxious about the process, we can work together to make alternate arrangements if needed. If a student doesn’t want to write a faith statement because they do not believe in God and feel they would be lying if they were forced to write and read their words, that’s something altogether different. If your student is hesitant, please let us know. We are happy to talk with them before they make a final decision. 

Q: What if a student has not been baptized? Can they still be confirmed?
A: Confirmation is the affirmation of baptism. So, if a student has not been baptized, please consider this their official invitation to do so! There is absolutely no pressure to be baptized, it’s simply an invitation (Matthew 28:19-20). If a student does not want to be baptized, but would still like to be confirmed, please let us know and we can follow up to address any questions they might have. 

Q: Are leaders or parents supposed to read faith statements before they get submitted? 
A: Leaders and parents are encouraged to be engaged in the process. If a student is comfortable with someone else reading their faith statement, that’s great! Students feeling supported and encouraged is our goal. If you do read a student’s faith statement, the best thing you can do is ask follow-up questions to help further clarify what they believe. Remember, this is their story; not yours. You would likely have written something different.

Q: What if I read something concerning in a faith statement?
A: Please reach out to us! Our team has been involved in many conversations with students and families over the years about what they have written in their faith statements. Sometimes these can be challenging conversations. However, if we seek understanding and speak truth with love, we can talk about anything! 

Q: Do students read their faith statements out loud in front of everyone at PowerLife?
A: No, faith statements will only be read aloud to their small group along with any family, friends or relatives who join them on Faith Statement Night.

Q: Will other people (outside of their group) see what students wrote? 
A: A few members of our staff will see them, and most students will only read them for their small groups. There may be a few students who are invited to read their faith statements on Confirmation Sunday.  

If you have any other questions, please email Justin Stoffa for assistance.

PowerLife Retreat Info

Feb. 29, 2024

8th Grade PowerLife Retreat
Saturday & Sunday, March 2 & 3!

Q: When should students arrive?
A: Students need to arrive at Hope WDM by 7:15 am! Find your group in The Bridge!

Q: Do I need to register my student?
A: No, all students who registered for PowerLife are already signed up!

Q: Do I need to complete any forms?
A: Yes, all students attending the retreat will need to complete the Health Form!

Q: Will leaders be going?
A: Yes, all leaders are invited to attend (and can ride the buses, too!)

Q: How will students get to camp?
A: Buses will be leaving from Hope WDM.

Q: Does my student need to bring anything?
A: Yes, their Bible and appropriate clothing (and shoes) for being outdoors! They will also need a sleeping bag and pillow!

Q: Where is the retreat located?
A: Hidden Acres Christian Camp (Dayton, IA)  

Q: Will boys and girls be experiencing this retreat all together?
A: No. Even though we will all be at the same camp, the boys and girls will each have their own separate chapel services, retreat activities, and separate cabins for sleeping! We will share mealtimes together.

Q: Can my student bring a friend?
A: Absolutely! Just email us with the name of the friend who would like to join us!

Q: When will students return to Hope?
A: Buses return to Hope WDM in time for the Sunday 11:00 am service. We will all sit together in the Worship Center. Students will be dismissed after the service at 12:15 pm.

Q: What is the purpose of this retreat?
A: Students will focus on developing a stronger relationship with God while also doing fun camp activities with the students in their group. 

Q: How will the students spend their time?
A: Students will have a morning snack, attend chapel services, have small group discussions and prayer time, eat lunch together, have free time to play fun games or go exploring with their group! Students will also eat dinner together and can purchase an afternoon snack if they’d like to bring some cash! Breakfast will be served on Sunday morning before heading back to Hope!

Q: What if my student has an allergy?
A: Please fill out this form to notify the Hidden Acres kitchen staff! 

NOTE: We will have a nurse joining us to help anyone who might bring along medication or need medical assistance while up at camp. If your student plans to bring medication, please fill out the medication information form and plan to bring the original container with you and connect with the nurse when you arrive at Hope!

Q: What if our family has a conflict?
A: We know students have multiple (and important) commitments outside of PowerLife. So please pray about your decision! Ultimately, we will support whatever your family decides.

Q: Can we drop off late or pick up early?
A: Please email Emma Graen to see what arrangements might be possible for your family.

Q: What if my student is unable to attend?
A: Please let us know if your student is unable to attend! We are planning on your student attending this retreat unless we hear otherwise.  

If you have any questions, please email Justin Stoffa!