Other Prayer Opportunities
- Receive healing prayer on the first Wednesday of the month in the Chapel. Join us for a time of worship, teaching, testimony, reflection and prayer. Silent soaking prayer and trained prayer partners are available to pray with individuals and families.
- Come to Thursday Night Prayer. This wonderful time of silent soaking and/or verbal prayer with trained prayer partners is offered on Thursdays from 5:30-7:30 pm in the Jordan Creek Prayer Room located on the Jordan Creek side of the building near the entrance to the Worship Center. All are welcome to come and go as they please.
- Classes on prayer are regularly offered, including Intro to Prayer, an online, self-paced study; Let Prayer Change Your Life; and others.
- Hope’s Prayer Shawl Ministry group meets on Mondays at 10:00 am to knit and crochet prayer shawls while praying over everything they make. Prayer shawls can be requested for anyone who would like to be wrapped in prayer. Request a free prayer shawl.
- Updates are currently being made to our Prayer Path, located around the perimeter of the Hope building and parking lot (¾ of a mile). It is a place to pray in God’s creation. Stay tuned!
- Experience the prayer labyrinth located in the grassy area of the south end of the Hope West Des Moines parking lot. Labyrinth walking is the practice for spiritual centering, contemplation and prayer, and has long been used as a meditation and prayer tool. Enter the path of the labyrinth and walk slowly while quieting your mind and focusing on a spiritual question, prayer, favorite Scripture or image. You may also invite others to walk with you. While walking, know that God is also with you. Upon reaching the center, give God thanks. You may sit or stand to reflect. Benches are provided outside the labyrinth for continued meditation.
Upcoming Classes & Events
Get to Know Our Team

Melissa Johnson-Matthews
- Alpha & Prayer Minister
- 515-422-9178
- [email protected]

Jami Ramirez
- Adult Ministry Coordinator
- 515-422-9192
- [email protected]
"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done."
Philippians 4:6