
Saturdays, 5:00 pm
Sundays, 9:30 & 11:00 am
Wednesdays, 6:00 pm

Learning About God Has Never Been More Fun!

HopeKids (Hope’s version of Sunday School) is our high-energy, weekend program for potty-trained children age 3 (by Sept. 15) through grade 5. At HopeKids, children will experience dynamic teachings and upbeat worship songs during opening, with relevant breakout activities in between. This rotational style format is a great way to engage kids in learning about God’s love! New kids are always welcome! 

Saturdays, 5:00 pm
Sundays, 9:30 & 11:00 am

Kids dancing to music in the gym with fun lights

HopeKids Wednesdays

HopeKids Wednesdays is our high-energy, midweek program during the school year for children in grades K-5. Children participate in fun, relational small groups followed by dynamic, intentional large group time. It’s a great addition to what kids are learning on the weekends at HopeKids!

Wednesdays, Sept. 11 – April 23, 6:00-7:15 pm


Get Involved!

Here’s What’s Happening
Throughout the Year!

At Hope West Des Moines, there are lots of special events available throughout the year
for children and families to know and grow with Jesus in fun and loving ways!

HopeKids Sermon Series

TheJesusWhosMoreThanWeThink 628x353

The Jesus Who’s More Than We Think

Join us as we continue on in our year-long theme 52 for ’25 by taking a deep dive into the questions we have about Jesus. As we ask some really good questions, we will meet and experience the Jesus Who’s More Than We Think!

Upcoming Sermons

Upcoming Classes & Events

Custom Widget Demo
HopeKids volunteer reading book to kids

Volunteers Are Needed!

If you’re feeling the nudge to help out with HopeKids, it’s easy to volunteer! The only requirements are that you love Jesus, love kids and adhere to our safety guidelines! Weekly and monthly opportunities are available. 


Special Needs Helpers Available!

One Body is our Special Needs Ministry for kids age 3 and up. Hope West Des Moines provides wonderful staff and volunteers at HopeKids to help make children with special needs feel welcome and included! 

Get Connected with HopeKids!

Get to Know Our Team


Lyndsay Korte


Hannah Wagner


Alyssa Schmitz

Reaching Kids With the Love of Jesus!

Two adults smiling and supervising group of happy kids at a table. Boy raising his hand.

Kids sitting at table, focused on coloring craft

Kids with arms raised dancing in the gym with lights glowing

Kids dancing in gym with adults dancing on stage with streamers in the air

Kids laughing and smiling at tables

Kids engaged in coloring activity at tables