
Sweet Care for Your Kids

With snuggles and smiles, the Hope Children’s Center teachers offer loving care, play, songs, stories and exciting discoveries for your little ones. Our faith-based environment and excellent teacher-to-child ratios let each child know how special they are. 

Daycare Hours:
Monday – Friday, 7:30 am – 5:30 pm
For children aged 6 weeks until kindergarten

Morning snacks, hot lunch and afternoon snacks are provided. Here’s a sample menu!  

Our Creative Curriculum provides a balance of child-initiated learning and teacher-directed activities geared to your child’s strengths and interests. Regular communication to parents is done through newsletters, photos and in each classroom where lesson plans are posted so parents always know what kids are learning. 

Little kids playing with truck toy surrounded by colorful walls of the gym

Classes and Fun

Rolli Pollis are the daycare center’s littlest snugglers, children ages 6 weeks to mobile infant. All feeding and sleeping schedules are on-demand in this room based on the information parents provide. Parents also provide diapers, wipes and ointment. 

Tiny Turtles is a transition room for children ages 6 months to 1 year. Children will sit at a toddler-sized table and parents will let teachers know what menu items have been tried at home that their children can eat. Small toddler utensils will be introduced when appropriate. The children will also begin transitioning down to one nap in this room when the child is ready and the parents approve. 

Little Lambs are for children approximately ages 1-2. Children in this room drink whole milk in sippy cups, have an afternoon nap on toddler cots and eat food from the daycare menu. Kids are taught self-help skills and how to play well with others, while also engaging in large motor activities in the gym and classroom. 

Playful Penguins is the 2-year-old room at Hope. Children begin using adult-sized utensils and child-sized cups; have a nap time on toddler cots; and continue to work on self-help skills, play in the gym and outdoor playground. Potty training begins in this room. Parents will work with the teachers on this milestone. 

3-year-olds are fully potty-trained and are given a nap time from 1:00-3:00 pm daily. If children are transitioning out of a nap, they will be given quiet activities during that time. Children may be attending Hope’s preschool simultaneously with daycare. During the preschool year on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, the children will receive preschool program curriculum. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday they will receive enrichment activities. 

4-year-olds/Pre-K will receive the preschool program curriculum during the preschool year. When children aren’t in Hope’s preschool, they will learn lessons and themes along with gym and playground time. There is a 20-minute rest time following lunch where the room will be quiet and children can read books. Weekly emails will be sent to parents summarizing the week. 

Weekly Tuition

Rolli Polli, Tiny Turtles & Little Lambs: $265
Busy Bees & Playful Penguins: $230
3-year-old Pre-K Room: $214 (preschool included)
4-year-old Pre-K Room: $204 (preschool included)

Note: Oldest siblings receive a 5 percent discount. 

*Tuition is subject to change.  
Currently, all classes are full. If you would like to be added to the Children’s Center waitlist, please fill out this form.  

Learning Is Fun!

Small toddler on colorful playmat

Group of kids playing in water sensory tub on grass

Group of kids playing with Legos and paint at a table

Classroom of kids sitting and flipping through picture books

Class of kids playing outside in water sensory bins on grass

Toddlers look up and around at bubbles and toys

Get to Know Our Team


Connie Keller


Jody Hufford