Celebration Services

Come and See! 

At Hope, we know worship is a “getta” instead of a “gotta!” In our worship and in our ministry, we intentionally offer a wide variety of options – traditional and contemporary, in person and online – to reach people of all ages and backgrounds. Whatever service you choose, you will always receive a warm welcome at a church that loves you and loves to worship the Lord!

Hope’s Celebration Services are high-energy, contemporary, Spirit-filled services in the Worship Center:
Saturday, 5:00 pm
Sunday, 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am and 5:00 pm

People singing during Worship Service in the Worship Center

Additional Worship Options

Asl service

ASL Service

ASL interpretation is available at Hope West Des Moines during the Sunday 9:30 am Celebration Service!


Spanish Translation Service

Pick up a transmitter and headphones for the Sunday 11:00 am Celebration Service for Spanish interpretation. Learn more about Hope en Español!

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Online Services

For those out-of-town or not near a Hope campus or Local Site, our Celebration Services are streamed on HopeOnline.tv

Saturdays, 5:00 pm 
Sundays, 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am and 5:00 pm  

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The Jesus Who’s More Than We Think

Join us as we continue on in our year-long theme 52 for ’25 by taking a deep dive into the questions we have about Jesus. As we ask some really good questions, we will meet and experience the Jesus Who’s More Than We Think!

Upcoming Sermons

New to Hope West Des Moines? 

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We’re so glad you’re here! New visitors are invited to stop by the New to Hope area under the orange awning in the Atrium. Volunteers and staff are there to answer any questions you may have and are happy to give you a free Hope T-shirt just for stopping by! For more information on how to get involved and learn about Hope’s story, please visit our New to Hope page.

For the Kids

We’re kid- and family-focused at Hope! Kids are always welcome to be with you in the Worship Center. If you’d rather have them attend Hope’s version of Sunday school, bring them to HopeKids
We also offer childcare for infants – age 3 in the Nursery at all services and for many classes and events. The nursery opens 15 minutes prior to the start of events and worship.  
For children age 3 (by Sept. 15 and potty-trained) through grade 5, HopeKids takes place on Saturdays at 5:00 pm and Sundays at 9:30 & 11:00 am. Check in kids at the welcome desks located by the main entrance or by the Youth & Family entrance on the east side of the building. 


Yearly Theme: 52 for ’25

Each week throughout 2025, we’ll take on one of the 52 most asked questions of faith. Weekly sermons, podcasts, classes, small group discussion guides, daily devotions, and more will help us discover God’s truth and his freedom-producing answers to our best questions!

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The worship team leading congregation in singing

The atrium crowded in between worship services

People in conversation between worship services

Pastor Mike welcoming Spanish Ministry members

A crowded Bridge of people eating meals and chatting between worship services

Friendly woman waving on their way into a worship service