Worship Team

Hope West Des Moines Worship Team

If you have a heart for Jesus and a passion for music, we would love for you to audition for our worship team! Our musicians lead worship during contemporary weekend services, midweek gatherings, and special events. Come share your gift!


Worship Team Auditions


If you’re interested in auditioning to join the weekend worship team, you will submit materials electronically via the link below. Once received, you will hear from the worship team within the week regarding next steps. For more information or questions about the worship team, please email Alyssa, the Worship Minister, at [email protected].


If you’re a student in grades 7-12 and you’d like to audition for the Student Worship Team to lead worship on Wednesday nights for PowerLife and Ignition, please email the worship team at [email protected] to apply, discuss time commitments, and answer any questions you may have. 


If you’re a young adult in your 20s or 30s and you’d like to audition for the REVIVE Young Adult Ministry Worship Team, please email Jacob, the REVIVE Worship Coordinator, at [email protected] to apply, discuss time commitments, and answer any questions you may have. 

Learn more about Hope Worship


Get to Know the Worship Team


Alyssa Conley


Perry Ross


Jacob Her


Isaac Rodriguez

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