

Listen to a Hope Podcast!

Whether you’re here to learn something new, dig deeper into something you’re curious about, find fun ways to teach your children Bible lessons or immerse yourself in God’s Word, Hope West Des Moines has a collection of podcasts to keep you connected, updated, transformed, and inspired!

Weekend Message Podcast

Weekend Sermons Podcast

Listen to the latest sermon or catch up on past messages by finding us on your favorite podcast platform! If you’d rather watch the past sermons, check out our YouTube page or HopeOnline.tv. We also invite you to come to Hope in person! You can find us at 925 Jordan Creek Pkwy on Saturday nights at 5:00 pm or Sunday mornings at 8:00, 9:30 & 11:00 am and 5:00 pm!


Podcasts With a Pastor

Pastor Mike Drop Podcast

Senior Pastor Mike Housholder and Emily Langpaul, Lead Minister, Church Life, sit down with Hope pastors, staff and special guests to discuss topics of Christianity, life, and the Bible. Find answers to your burning questions! Pastor Mike Drop is back for Season 5! New episodes drop every Wednesday!

Watch to the past four seasons on YouTube or listen on your favorite podcast platform!

Pastor Mike Drop podcast

The Word With Webb Podcast

From the brilliant minds of Professor & Lead Pastor Dr. Richard Webb and Eric Peyton, Hope’s Connections Coordinator, listen to weekly deep dives into topics such as creation, the Trinity and sin.

The Word With Webb is back for season 4! New episodes drop every Monday.

Word with Web right

Podcasts About the Bible

Whole Holy Bible in a Year Podcast

Strengthen your faith and experience new life in Christ by reading the whole Bible in a year! Listen to the Bible come alive with Hope’s audio recordings of daily readings that take you through the Whole Holy Bible! Follow along with our updated 2024 reading plan and experience it for yourself as you Read It, Learn It and Live It!

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God’s Story for Kids Podcast

Check out this fun way for elementary students to explore the Bible with God’s Story for Kids! There are 52 new Bible stories featuring the characters Sophie and Hank who teach lessons from the Bible such as standing up for what’s right (Ep. 40), the power of our words (Ep. 42), letting go of worry (Ep. 43), making better choices (Ep. 36) putting our faith in God (Ep. 41) and more! If you’d rather watch this podcast, visit YouTube!

God's Story for Kids callout