Find a Class
Hope has a number of classes for groups and individuals available to grow your relationship with Jesus.

All Classes
Hope offers classes nearly every day of the week for you to grow deeper in your understanding and relationship with the Lord. Classes range from Christian Yoga and Storytime with God to New Testament Letters and A Closer Look at the Lord’s Prayer, and everything in between!

The Alpha Course
Alpha is the one class you want to take if you have any questions about God. If you are “new” to Christianity or are a seasoned Christian wanting to brush up on the basics, Alpha is a great way to get connected and grow!
Join a Group
No matter who you are, Hope has an on-ramp to find friends to share your faith journey with – join a group!

Small Groups
Connect with a small group to build your faith and friendships through book and Bible studies.

Men’s Ministry
Men of Hope meet nearly every day of the week to connect and grow together.

Women’s Ministry
Women of Hope gather to learn, find adventure and celebrate God’s love.

50+ Ministry
Come for a monthly luncheon and program and enjoy fun activities and events in between!

Creative Arts Ministry
Explore creative art activities for all ages, including live art, creative arts classes, prayer shawl and quilt making, card creators and more!

Spanish Ministry
Hope’s Spanish Ministry offers classes and events for the whole family and Spanish interpretation for services!
Serve at Hope West Des Moines
This church couldn’t function without the faithful help of many volunteers. Whether you want to serve within the walls of Hope by visiting hospital patients or traveling around the world on a mission trip, we’d love to have you be the hands and feet of Jesus!

Volunteer at Hope
From offering a hello at the front door to helping in the Nursery, playing an instrument to running a camera or teaching children, many volunteers are needed to help Hope function!

Donate food, pack meals for the hungry, serve on our God Squad, connect with our mission partners in the community or go on a mission trip.