What’s Happening at Hope?

Friday, Feb. 21, 6:00-8:00 pm
Join us for our annual chili cook-off competition! Enter your own recipe for the chance to win, or come to eat and vote on the best. Is chili not your thing? Compete in our darts tournament for the chance to be crowned champion and earn the “Golden Dart!”

Wednesday, March 5, 12:00 & 6:00 pm
Begin the season of Lent as we gather for worship, Holy Communion, and the distribution of ashes to remember the grace of Jesus Christ.

At Hope West Des Moines Preschool children are engaged in active, joyful learning surrounded by loving teachers and friends. It’s a Christian atmosphere of warmth, understanding and caring – a place for your child to be seen as the special person God so lovingly created. Registration now open!

Pastor Mike Drop is a straight-from-the-heart weekly conversation about faith, life, and the places where Christ and culture intersect, hosted by Pastor Mike Housholder and Emily Langpaul. New episode every Wednesday!
Get Involved
At Hope West Des Moines, there are lots of ways to get involved. Connect with friends old and new alike, find ways to help the community, and continue to grow in your faith journey. Go beyond weekend worship by getting involved in classes, joining a group, or serving with one of our dozens of mission partners or at Hope.
You were made for more! Let us help you discover how you can make a difference.

Find a Class
Following Jesus is a growing experience. Even the most mature Christians continue to move around the Hope Circle. We have hundreds of classes and events to help you on your journey, including The Alpha Course, Bible studies, support groups, prayer classes and many more. There’s something for everyone at Hope!

Join a Group
Find your people! At first Hope might seem like a big place, but if you stop and take a look around, you’ll notice we have all kinds of small groups doing book or Bible studies together. Make new friends, do life together, pray for one another, and create enduring relationships whether you’re an introvert or extrovert. We’re better together!

Volunteer at Hope
Serving others is one of the greatest blessings from God. Bring glory to God and shine your light to the world! Be a greeter, help serve food, teach children, mentor a junior high school student, run audiovisuals, play in the orchestra, be a prayer partner or go on a mission trip. There are all kinds of ways to be the hands and feet of Jesus to our brothers and sisters in Christ.